maandag 10 september 2018

Op de muur (2)

Street Art I saw in London, UK.
Made by Zabou. Zabou is a French street artist and painter based in London. Since 2012, she has been travelling the world to spread her artistic message of love, fun and rebellion.
This one is called: Summertime yay!
Linking to Monday Murals

16 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat een heerlijke afbeelding. Lijstje erom en kan zo in een museum. Of bij mij aan de muur haha!

  2. A great mural, thanks for contributing.

  3. Zeg, gaan we nou ineens over op Engels...? ;). Leuke muurschildering!

  4. Interesting expressions on their faces.

  5. ...this one is fabulous, a new artist for me. Thanks.

  6. That's a sweet one.
    Those bicycles and the mural seem to tell a story. :)

    Great find, Bertie. :)
