maandag 13 september 2021

Mural in 'the Jordaan'

 Last week we had an early sundaymorning walk in the Jordaan. It's a neighbourhood right in the city-centre of Amsterdam.

Originally a working-class neighbourhood, the Jordaan has become one of the most expensive, upscale locations in the Netherlands. It is home to many art galleries, particularly for modern art, and is also dotted with speciality shops and restaurants. 

It's never boring there, never. 
We like to walk there regularly, there is so much to see. 

This time we saw the Theo Thijssen school, named after Theo Thijssen. He was a socialist, a politician and above all, a teacher. 

It is quite right that a school has been named after him
And Theo Thijssen was born in this neigbourhood. 

But this is about murals, right? Well, here is one beautiful mural, in the back yard of the school:

The quote is from a 7-year old girl, Lisa van der Schouw,  a pupil of the school in 2011.  And it says: I play in the city, with all that exists. Ik speel in de stad, met alles wat er bestaat. 

The artist is Pieter Jansen (Parra)

I play in the city, with all that exists. 
I think that's a great advice!

Oh, and someone else was playing too

16 opmerkingen:

  1. I was equally impressed with the mural as I was the 3-D mural on the school. You gave us two lovely choices today, dear.

  2. Reading your blog in English I at first tried to make sense of the mural in that language, LOL.
    Great one.
    When I was a kid we played in the streets - these days kids are supervised 24/7 here.
    Even here in the garden!

  3. Wat een mooi lettertype is daar gebruikt. Theo T was een groot voorvechter en beschermer van de natuur. En hij heeft nog steeds veel eer van zijn werk.

  4. a fascinating lettering. I like the little accordeonist too

  5. Heerlijke wijk: de Jordaan.
    Ik was ooit in een soort van Theo Thijssen museumpje. In de Jordaan, maar weet niet meer precies welke straat.
    En jij kent natuurlijk het beeld van Theo Thijssen aan het begin van de Lindenmarkt.
    Zo fijn...


  6. Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.

  7. ...the Theo Thijssen school must be a special and exciting place to learn, I find the calligraphy wonderful. Thanks for sharing and I hope that your week is off to a great start.

  8. Dit is ook een hele mooie mural. Het verfraait een stad...

  9. I remember visiting the Jordaan a few years ago on one of our visits to Amsterdam when my daughter lived there.
    Nice simple mural with wonderful words from a child.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Bertie.

  10. prachtig e mural bertie, supermooi gedaan

  11. Wat mooi gedaan, het lettertype maar ook dat er een quote van een zevenjarig meisje is toegepast.

  12. Oh, die laatste gevel is mijn favoriet met die meneer met dat instrument!
