maandag 20 december 2021



We were just planning to go back to the Street Art and Graffiti Museum in Amsterdam. To see and enjoy some new work. 

But last saturday we were told that we are in a hard lockdown from yesterday. Only essential shops may still be open, such as supermarkets and pharmacies.

There may be no events, few visitors at home and all museums and cinemas and restaurants  are closed. Also all schools are closed. For at least three weeks, until january 14,  2022

The museum where I work as a volunteer is closed and of course the Street Art Museum  too!

But... outside there is still a lot to see. This is is from last time we were there: 

Linking to Sami's Colourful World

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Yet another hard lockdown?!
    I can´t believe it - well, sadly I do. Have to. So much damage done cause (too many) people and politicians refuse to learn...
    Love the blonde. Sue says it all! And the pig!!! Reckon a police officer? If so... pigs are clever, right.
    (I "love" all the ACAB-graffitis and fist thing those kids do is calling the police if they´re in danger, at least over here...)

  2. Het blijft mooi al die verschillende murals, maar met Corona lijkt het naar een steeds dieper dal te gaan/

  3. Ja, het is weer even slikken. Maar voor het goede doel moeten we maar denken.

  4. Een beetje boos meisje. Dat boos herken ik, want zo voel ik me ook. En teleurgesteld, maar kop op, schouders eronder en dan maar hopen dat we hierna van die vreselijke lockdown bevrijd zijn.

  5. Ja dat is balen weer een lockdown. Maar gelukkig hebben we de archieven nog!

  6. Luckily street art is still available to be seen.
    So sorry about another lockdown, I heard about it in the news here in Perth.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Bertie.

  7.'s great to be able to see these on the outside, hopeful we can visit the inside in the future. Thanks for sharing and I wish you a Merry Christmas.

  8. I'm running late because I was having problems leaving comments on Sunday. Sorry to read about your lockdown. It will make it hard to have any company at Christmas. This is a really colorful mural. Hope the museum opens again in three weeks. Merry Christmas, dear.
