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maandag 14 november 2011

Take a Word: Moonstruck.

The themeword this week at Take a Word is Moonstruck. And anything to do with the moon is acceptable they said.

So I was thinking about this quote, I used my favourite stamp and here's my ATC.

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11 opmerkingen:

Kitty zei


Sim zei

Oh Bertie, thanks for your wishes and your so beautiful entry!

Judy zei

Beautifully stamped art, Bettie!

Anoniem zei

That is a lovely wish for anyone! Your ATC has glorious colour...beautiful!

johanna zei

beautiful... good wish!

Yvonne zei

Beautiful, Bertie! I love that stammp!

indybev zei

Beautiful ATC, and I love that quote!

Taluula zei

Bertie, a wonderful interpretation on this week's theme.

Electra zei

This is wonderful, I love your colouring on it!

"MOI" Freubel zei

Een doordenkertje die quote !! Geweldig gevonden Bertie en je ATC is om te zoenen !! Zo mooi !!!

Deann zei

A gorgeous ATC and wonderful words...I love it!!!