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zondag 6 november 2011

Take a Word: sewing

New theme at Take a Word: sewing. I'm not exactly the kind of person that loves sewing. But I love making Atc's, even with this theme.

So here's my card.

And if you want to see more results: click!

14 opmerkingen:

Kaylene zei

That is a lovely ATC, unfortunately I love to hand sew but eyes and hands are a problem these days. Cheers

Deann zei

Well you should stick to what you love Bertie because your great at it...well done!!!

Ozstuff zei

What a delightful ATC. I love it!! It is a superb take on the challenge and thanks so much for taking part this week. (You may not be good at sewing but you can certainly design a great ATC!)

Bill zei

That's a fantastic ATC! Lovely work.

indybev zei

A great ATC with a sewing theme. Very well done!

LynnF zei

This is a gorgeous ATC, Bertie!

johanna zei

love the composition and the colors, well done!

Sim zei

So nice, so vintage, so pretty colors! Lovely ATC Bertie!

Linda Gibbons zei

It's lovely.

Anoniem zei

Lovely ATC, Bertie!

KnutzEls zei

Weer zo'n leuke! Ik wilde niet achterblijven, dus die van mij staat er nu ook op.

Taluula zei

I couldn't sew to save my life, so I know what you mean, Bertie. Your ATC, however, is a delight.

Unknown zei

Wauw, Bettie! Je begrijpt wel dat ik deze GEWELDIG vind! Enne.... leuk achtergrond stofje, trouwens ;) !

Bertiebo zei

Hahaha Lidwien, ja wat een superstofje hè. Ik heb er nog altijd zo'n plezier van...